Sweden has opened up completely in February and we will offer the complete program as advertised on our website in 2022. At this moment there are no restrictions, except for travellers from outside the EU, but we are not certain whether there will be restrictions in the future regarding Covid-19. On this page we will inform you about possible restrictions and other ongoing developments. The current restrictions consider people traveling to Sweden from outside the EU, they will need a valid proof of vaccination or very recent test result. See the link to the Swedish Health Agency, which will have the most recent information for travellers concerning COVID-19 related restrictions. Considering the fact that we welcome students from over 35 countries, we urge you to inform yourself about the rules for entering Sweden from your specific country. We all like a good surprise, but you not being able to enter the country would not be one of them. 🙂

We can’t wait to welcome you all again during the summer of 2022!
Apply Now for Summer 2025!
We would love to welcome you in Uppsala for an unforgettable experience.