Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any questions about Sweden, Uppsala, our program or the application procedure, please check the FAQ and general information below. Not able to find the answers you are looking for? Feel free to send us an email, we are always happy to hear from you and assist you with any questions you may have.

General Information
Anything goes in Sweden. Jeans and other casual wear continue to be good standard equipment. Sport shirts and slacks and sweaters with jeans are okay for daily wear. For the Farewell Banquet you’ll want to bring a party outfit. Check the preliminary activity schedule for the themes. Do not forget to bring a raincoat and an umbrella.
Take a credit card or ATM bank card. It is wise to exchange money at Forex. Money can be changed at the airport and at the central station in Stockholm upon arrival in Sweden.
There are no telephones in the dormitories. It is wise to get a calling card from your telephone company; this makes calling abroad both easier and cheaper. You can also purchase a Swedish sim card for your GSM in Sweden.
All participants should have their own insurance to cover illness and accident. The cost of medical care is high in Sweden, except for those coming from countries, which have an agreement with Sweden on this matter. Check this before you leave. We also recommend having cancellation insurance.
The student housing for single rooms, included in the course fee, all have internet access with ethernet cable in the room, as well as WiFi in the community area downstairs.
The appartments, not included in the course fee, might have internet access but it is not guaranteed.
You will be able to use WiFi in the center of Uppsala and at the school.
Laundry Facilities
Washing machines and dryers are available.
Transportation to Sweden
We strongly advise participants who plan to fly to request information from a travel agency early. Reservations often need to be made well in advance. An international student identification card may prove to be useful.
Transportation in Uppsala
Almost all of our students live in the single rooms, which are located at Klostergatan 16, close to the school. It is less than 8 minutes to walk from there to class. Some students choose the optional appartment, which can be located anywhere in Uppsala, but usually no more than a 20 minute walk from the school.
Should you prefer not to walk, then bicycles are definitely the way to go for a student in Uppsala. You could bring your own bike, or buy a cheap one, or rent one if you only want to use it for a shorter period of time, like a day.
You can also take advantage of the excellent bus system in Uppsala. The bus fare is 30 SEK per ride, but much cheaper if you buy a card with multiple rides (UL card).
Uppsala Student Card
Student life in Sweden is quite differently organized than in other countries. To gain entrance to the student clubs, which offer food and drinks at very reasonable prices as well as an opportunity to meet Swedish students, you’ll need a special ‘guest card’ from the student union. Please bring an ISC, or your university student card.
During the week (Monday-Thursday) a hot lunch will be served, the students are responsible for breakfast and dinner. Friday through Sunday you will be responsible for all your own meals. Your accommodation includes possibilities to cook your own meals. See also: housing.
Information about visa for Sweden can be found here: VISA/passport information.
☀️ Weather
During the summer the weather is unpredictable. It can be hot and dry, or cold and rainy. Be prepared for anything
ℹ️ Sweden and Uppsala
More information can be found here:
Svenska Institutet | www.si.se |
Swedish Tourist Board | www.sweden.se www.visitsweden.com |
Uppsala Tourist Information | www.destinationuppsala.se |
Uppsala Nya Tidning (newspaper) | www.unt.se |
Swedish Radio | www.sr.se |
Swedish TV | svt.se |
Sites for sports in Uppsala | www.fyrishov.se www.uppsala.friskissvettis.se |
Of course, you can also contact the Swedish Embassy or Consulate in your country.
Good to Know
The official gateway to Sweden
Study in Sweden
The official website for studies in Sweden
Visit Sweden
The official website for tourism and travel information
The official website of Uppsala kommun
Uppsala Tourism and Travel Information
Uppsala Nya Tidningen
Uppsala’s local news paper
Old Uppsala
This is Swedens first capital and burial site of the Vikings.
Hammarskogs herrgård
Recreational area near Uppsala
Skokloster Spelen
Medieval Week at Skokloster Castle
Skabram Stugby
The place where we come to rest after the Lapland hiking trip
Educational Links
Uppsala University
The university of Uppsala
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Located in Uppsala
Eurolingua Institute
A good start to find our and other language programs!
Mälardalen University
Scandinavian Studies at Mälardalen University
OBS! Online
Flexibel Schwedisch, Norwegisch oder Dänisch lernen … mit Lehrer vor Ort oder online!
Associations and Foundations with a Focus on Sweden
The Swedish Institute
Swedish language studies abroad and in Sweden
American-Scandinavian Foundation
ASF – Promotes international understanding through educational and cultural exchange between the United States and Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden
Svenskar i världen
A community for Swedes abroad
Frequently Asked Questions
I am not sure what level of Swedish I currently have, what should I do?
When you start the application form, a link will come up to the placement tests, level A, B and C. Choose one and answer the questions. If you really do not know the answer to a question, just skip it. The answers to the questions are at the end of the test, count the number of completely correct answers and you can see in the table which level you are at.
What if the level I have signed up for turns out not to be right?
This happens occasionally. The student will then be moved to the most suitable level.
Can I leave before or after the listed check out date?
Classes will run through the last Thursday in each 3-week session. On that Thursday evening a Farewell Dinner is planned. It’s also saying goodbye to everyone and have a festive night together, you do not want to miss that. Checking out earlier is impossible as staff is very busy during that last week. Staying on in your room is not possible either. Check-out is on Friday morning between 09.30 and 12.00. This is the only time you can check out. So please keep this in mind when you are booking your flight. A good idea is to stay an extra night in a hotel or hostel, quite a few students actually do this.
How do the afternoon classes in grammar and conversation differ from the morning classes and who are they intended for?
The grammar and conversation classes in the afternoon are support classes and are aimed at students who have not studied a foreign language before. Also, students from very different language areas might profit from these classes. The classes are taught by teachers who are not your morning teacher. They will take up the grammar content that you have gone over in your morning class with different exercises. You can also ask questions if there is something you didn’t fully understand in morning class. The conversation is at exactly the same level you are in the morning. In short, you will not learn anything new, just consolidate what you have learnt in the morning. The grammar and conversation classes are taught on level A1, A2, A2+ and B1. From level B1+ you will learn more Swedish by taking an afternoon class that is taught in Swedis. You will most likely increase your speaking abilities and your listening comprehension quite a bit, next to learning about the subject the class is teaching.
Can I choose multiple afternoon courses?
You can choose one afternoon course during every 3 weeks course. If you are interested in multiple afternoon courses, we recommend checking the dates these courses are offered. You cannot choose two courses within the same 3-week session.
How many levels of Swedish can I finish in 9 weeks?
The levels are A1 (complete beginners), A2, A2+, B1, B1+, B2, B2+ C1 and C2. You can finish 3 levels in 9 weeks, though the B2 and C courses might take a little longer.
Can I receive credits for the courses at UISS?
Yes you can, but you need to consult your study abroad advisor or the person in charge of transfer credits, if they will approve of our courses, before you come to Uppsala. Basically you can earn 4 credits in Swedish language per 3 weeks, if you pass the test. The afternoon courses in Swedish studies are 3 credits per 3-week session.
Can I take the same afternoon course twice?
There are just a few courses that run twice and if there are still places available in the class you want to take a second time, you can. But people who want to take the class and have not taken it before, have priority. Some afternoon classes have a limited number of places.
Does it matter how old I am to attend the program?
The minimum age to attend UISS is 18. Our program is inclusive, for all ages and fun for everyone! Age doesn’t matter. So don’t worry about it. There are always lots of people your age, if you want to spend time with your own generation. The oldest student ever was an 88-year old from Australia, who came for the entire 9 weeks. He was the nicest guy with an amazing energy and made friends with young students and everyone else. Most popular person ever!! Trust me, you’ll be fine, whether you are 18 or 65. In general, people that come to the program, are people eager to learn, to go on an adventure, to meet new people and go home with lifelong memories.
People from all over the world attend our program, people of different ages, different cultures, backgrounds, religions, color, LGBTQ+, and so on. One of our slogans is: Come to Uppsala and meet the world. And that is exactly how it is. But all of our students have at least one thing in common: their interest in Sweden and the Swedish language. One common goal: to learn Swedish or improve their skills. And isn’t it wonderful that we succeed every year to work, study and have fun together? A mini world, and as cheesy as it may sound, all in good harmony. Being in class with people not your age, your ethnicity or culture, is actually so enriching and you all have so many different things to offer. Learn from each other, it’s actually one of the best features of our program.
Apply Now for Summer 2025!
We would love to welcome you in Uppsala for an unforgettable experience.