The Uppsala International Summer Session is a perfect balance of having fun and learning Swedish. The mornings start off with language courses that are so in depth that by the end of the session you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much you’ve learned. Last year, I had participated in a beginner three work course where I was taught the fundamental rules of the Swedish language and by the end of it I was able to have conversations with people in the streets of Uppsala and Stockholm. That first summer was unforgettable and I returned, again, this summer to continue my studies and have another rewarding experience. Not only were the language courses allowing myself and other students the chance to communicate effectively, but the social benefits was yet another enjoyable aspect of the program. I have made lifelong friends that I continue to talk to from all over the world. After lunch, we would gather for our afternoon classes in which you could choose a more relaxed yet different way of learning Swedish culture. This year I had the pleasure of joining the Swedish pop music and theater class, a course that was not only entertaining and left all of us with Swedish songs stuck in our heads, but improved our pronunciation of the language overall. UISS provides an enriching environment for people of all backgrounds that share a common love for learning. I hope to return yet again next year!