Hej Hej!

I have been coming to Sweden on and off for almost 30 years, but only for a few weeks each summer, so I never really got beyond some small chat with the language, and had never learned any grammar whatsoever. I decided in 2019 that I would spend a few weeks trying to improve my Swedish. I came across the UISS courses online, without any personal recommendation. But I decided to try it, so I signed up for the 3 week course in August 2019.

The course was great! I really enjoyed the language classes (8.30 to 12.30 each morning, with a fika break) and I made a lot of progress, as did the whole class. We had a great teacher who really tried to make it varied and fun. I particularly enjoyed the analysis of modern Sweden pop songs as a means of learning grammar easily. I was impressed that many of the students seemed to take the course seriously enough to get their homework and revision done as well. It was fun to visit Uppsala’s various student “nationer” in the evenings too.

The course covers vocabulary, speech, listening and grammar in the mornings, with a variety of afternoon courses, ranging from Swedish cinema, singing and musical theatre, to Swedish politics, and Gender issues in Sweden. I certainly enjoyed the Swedish cinema discussions, where we watched and discussed a lot of contemporary Swedish movies. Other course participants seemed to enjoy their afternoon courses also.
I thought that the course was really well organised, great fun, and very beneficial if you really want to make rapid progress in Swedish. I would have no hesitation recommending it to anyone.