For me the program in Uppsala was like a huge field trip that lasted 9 weeks. I have been to Sweden plenty of times before, but with UISS it was a whole new experience. You get the chance to live in Sweden and not just visit it as a tourist. The best thing is that all students are motivated to learn Swedish and have a good time, that’s why we were all pushing and helping each others to achieve our personal goal in the end. After class I had many options to spend my free time. No matter if it was going out and meet locals, doing homework and studying together or exploring the area around Uppsala and Stockholm. There is a big variety to have a good time and you can always find someone to join you if you want.
Just in case you think about traveling the world to get to know new people, new cultures and make friends around the world, hold on, start with UISS in Uppsala and the nationalities, cultures and new friends are coming to you.
And finally, I really have to point out the great work of the assistants and the staff. They were always supporting us, super kind and helpful in any situation. They had so much energy that I wanted to go to class every single day.