Going to UISS to improve my Swedish was one of my best decisions. In fact, I liked it so much that I returned the following year (summer 2015). In only 6 weeks, I learned as much as in 3 years at home.

UISS is far more than a language course; not only will you get regular language training in the mornings but also a vast culture program in the afternoons. Just to name a few: Swedish culture, svenska visor & folksmusik, literature, film or “förbättra ditt uttal”.

Uppsala is just around 20 min by train from Stockholm airport (Arlanda) and one of the nicest cities in Sweden. By far smaller than Stockholm, so you won’t get lost. However, if you like to spend an evening in the capital, it is very easy to do so.

The teachers and the staff are truly amazing and will do everything they can to make sure your stay will be comfortable and rewarding. You will meet people from all around the world. The courses are available for all levels and ages. If you’d like to learn Swedish as fast as possible, with great teachers, truly motivated staff and amazing classmates, then UISS is the place for you. You have to work hard but you won’t regret it – I promise 🙂