One thing is clear: if you choose UISS for the fourth time to improve your Swedish, you really believe in the quality of this program. I came in 2014 for the first time and at that year I attended a B1+ course. I had started with Swedish in Germany partially because one of our biggest customers was a Swedish company but especially for my personal interest for languages. But in order to improve the language I knew  I had to find a language program in Sweden.

UISS is the only program in Sweden that offers Swedish at all levels especially the more advanced ones. The quality of the teachers has always exceeded my expectations. They all have a solid linguistic education and are trained in teaching Swedish as a foreign language. Most teachers speak other languages which is helpful when they explain things to a multicultural class. In the morning Swedish is taught for four hours in a very intensive way, but also with a variety of activities to train speaking and writing, your grammar and listening- and reading comprehension. It never gets boring! The course I took this summer was the C level. Our teacher John Dolve has the talent to combine all these activities in such a way that you learn a lot and still stay focused.

In the afternoon the program offers courses to increase your knowledge of Swedish culture and society,  in English or Swedish, such as Drama, Literature, Folk Music, Swedish Welfare State. In my case, singing  in the Svensk folkmusik course is a real pleasure and an excellent way to train the pronunciation. But it is not all about academic learning. UISS offers many evening activities as well as Friday excursions or weekend trips such Lapland or Finland.

Thanks to the perfect organization by Nelleke, the very engaged and enthusiastic director, as well as the assistants, students easily get in contact with each other. Everyone is welcome no matter your age,  your mother tongue  or what you do. You only need to be willing to participate, have fun and enjoy the experience. Coming for the fourth time I only had one small worry: Will it be as fun as the other times? Will I meet so nice people as I did the previous years? The answer is clear: Yes, it only gets better! Thank you UISS for letting me be part of this big Swedish family!