It’s the second time I do the 3 weeks session and I’am already looking forward for a third summer in Uppsala. UISS gives the possibility to emerge itself in the Swedish culture by for instance celebrating Midsummer or by learning how to eat crayfish the right way!

The program gives also the chance to it’s students to visit local museums and to go on trips somewhere « lost » in the Swedish nature. Furthermore, the school doesn’t’t only show the students how to act like Swedes but also how to speak like Swedes! For example, in the different classes the students are taught how to pronounce the « ä, ö, u, e, i, y, … » correctly. Due to the two summers I have spent in Uppsala, I have been able to improve my Swedish so much that I can now speak and understand my Swedish grandfather without any problems.

In addition, Uppsala is a beautiful student city where you can have a lot of fun the Swedish way. For example Uppsala has really nice parks to spend time with other students after classes – if the homework allows it.