If you want to learn Swedish – this is the way to do it. My friend told me about the UISS program and I immediately jumped on board. I want to learn Swedish because my mother can speak it fluently and I have a lot of relatives in Sweden. Not knowing Swedish has been frustrating for me when it comes to connecting and communicating with my family. I took classes at UISS for 3 weeks, and I’m surprised at how much Swedish I’ve learned. The teachers and faculty at UISS are incredible, I especially recommend taking the Swedish Pop Music and Musical Theater class in the afternoon with André – it’s a lot of fun and you don’t have to be musically talented to take the class! After classes you have plenty of time to unwind, do your homework, and party it up at the nations if you so choose. You make so many friends and learn so much during the session, it is the best way to spend your summer. From taking a cruise to Finland, singing ABBA songs, and eating plenty of mjukglass – I have to say this summer program is incredible. Thank you UISS for all of the wonderful memories!!