The first time we came to UISS in 2017 there were just two of us, but after an amazing experience, two more of our younger sisters joined for summers 2018 (we were 3) and 2019 (we were 4 and hopefully 5 for next summer). This intensive session was very beneficial for us because not only did it help us improve our Swedish but it also introduced us to Swedish culture (which is completely different from ours). Moreover during these few weeks spent at UISS we bonded with other students who came from all around the world.

Our morning courses (Swedish courses) were as fun as they were instructive. In the afternoon, the theatre, singing or literature courses for example would get us all out of our comfort zones and encourage us to exchange with other students. During the weekends we could participate on school trips. These trips were interesting and fun but they also gave us the opportunity to visit the most famous and beautiful places in Sweden.

The staff and the professors are very kind and warm. They are really present for the students, they take care of each of us individually, making sure all of our needs are met and are ready to help us in any tricky situation. We keep a great memory of every person who took part in this program and helped make it a success. This experience is not to miss if you’re looking to improve your Swedish in the most joyful way.

If we had to describe UISS in three words we would say : multinational, professional and friendly. The diversity among the students is very interesting : each one of us has a different story and a different culture which also made this summer at UISS a very rewarding human experience. We will all keep amazing memories of our time during class, trips and extracurricular activities like going to the student nations with our friends.